Thursday, May 31, 2012

LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino Duemilanove, DealExtreme

If you have ordered "LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino Duemilanove & LCD 1602" from DealExtreme and are wondering about how to get this thing working without datasheet, you are in the right place :-) This product seems to be very similar(!) a product called "DFRobot LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino" and the Datasheet and even a library (LCD4bit_mod) for easy programming of it is available at following link,, under useful links.

 The only issue with the library is that this is built for old versions of Arduino and if one to make it work with newest version (Arduino 1.0), then some parts of the code should change. First you need to install the additional library in your Arduino on your computer ( tutorial on how to install). Afterwards one should change the content of LCD4bit_mod.cpp 

#include "LCD4Bit_mod.h"
#if (ARDUINO < 100)
  extern "C" {
    #include   //not needed yet
    #include //needed for strlen()
    #include "WProgram.h"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I wondered why I ordered at dealextreme when I unpacked the shipped Arduino stuff and could not find any documentation, but there are always safety nets online that make up for cheap services.

    The last #include misses the part ;-)
