What is a
3pi robot ?
What is an
Arduino board ?
What is an
AVR Atmel Micro-controller ?
OrangutanMotors motors;
void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
void loop() // run over and over again
// note that the following line could also be accomplished with:
// int pot = analog.read(7);
//int pot = analog.readTrimpot(); // determine the trimpot position
int motorSpeed1 = 25; // turn pot reading into number between -256 and 255
int motorSpeed2 = 0; // turn pot reading into number between -256 and 255
// Minus - Zero -> back to right (turn around one point)
// Zero - Minus -> Back to leftt (turn around one point)
// Positive - Zero -> front to right (turn around one point)
// Zero - Positive -> front to left (turn around one point)
// Speed1 < Speed2 -> back to right
// Speed1 > Speed2 -> Back to leftt
// Speed1 > Speed2 -> front to right
// Speed1 < Speed2 -> front to left
// looking at robot from back -> left number goes to left motor & right goes to right motor