The RepRap project; an open source 3D printer, with all the technologies including inside it is a magnificent piece of technology to learn and study deeply. A combination of chemistry, physics, computer science, robotic technology and etc. Something that is produced by prosumers for prosumers(or even consumers as you don’t have to develop it further). A good that belongs to the non-rival(or even anti-rival), non extendable part of the production world. A product of CBPP in the public domain which in 5 years since Adrian came up with the idea, has managed to build a strong community in many different countries all around the world, dedicated developers around it and last but not least three functioning versions of 3D printers. I am honored to say that I am leading this project at Robotica Osloensis. Our first objective is to study and learn the RepRap concept and later take part in the development of this artifact. More updates on this project later.